Transmedia Storytelling Learning Method Join our blog to learn globally Jules Verne School México - Chimney Hill Canada producing Viral Learning "A mi no me califica el maestro, me evalúa el mundo"
Friday, December 5, 2014
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
A Christmas Story
A Fantastic Christmas Story
A Christmas Story
Friday, November 21, 2014
Circulatory system
Circulatory system
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Thanksgiving Day by Daniela Cabrera & Fernando Cortés
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Viaje al centro de la tierra
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Díaz ruthlessly clung to power for decades, but after the turn of the century his grip on the nation started to slip. The people were unhappy: an economic recession meant that many lost their jobs and people began calling for change. Díaz promised free elections in 1910.
By Karla Yunnuen
Díaz expected to win easily and legally, and was therefore shocked when it became evident that his opponent in the 1910 election, Francisco I. Madero, was likely to win. Madero, a reformist writer who came from a wealthy family, was an unlikely revolutionary: he was short and skinny, with a high-pitched voice which tended to become quite shrill when he was excited. A teetotaler and vegetarian, he also claimed to be able to speak to ghosts and spirits, including his dead brother and Benito Juárez. Madero didn't have any real plan for Mexico after Díaz: he simply felt that someone else should rule after decades of Don Porfirio.
By Sebastián Farías
Díaz fixed the elections, arresting Madero on false charges of plotting armed insurrection. Madero was bailed out of jail by his father and went to San Antonio, Texas, where he watched Díaz easily "win" re-election. Convinced that there was no other way to get Díaz to step down, Madero called for an armed rebellion, ironically the same charge that had been trumped-up against him. According to Madero's Plan of San Luis Potosi, November 20 was the date for the insurrection to start.
By Sebastián Chávez
In the southern state of Morelos, Madero's call was answered by peasant leader Emiliano Zapata, who hoped a revolution would lead to land reform. In the north, muleteer Pascual Orozco and bandit chieftain Pancho Villa also took up arms. All three rallied thousands of men to their rebel armies.
Orozco and Villa had great success against the federal forces and in February 1911 Madero returned and joined them in the north. As the three generals closed in on the capital, Díaz could see the writing on the wall. By May of 1911 it was clear that he could not win and he went into exile. In June, Madero entered the city in triumph.
By Roberto Serrano
Madero barely had time to get comfortable in Mexico City before things got hot. He faced rebellion on all sides, as the remnants of Díaz' regime hated him and he broke all of his promises to those who had supported him. Orozco, sensing that Madero was not going to reward him for his role in the overthrow of Díaz, once again took up arms. Zapata, who had been instrumental in defeating Díaz, took to the field again when it became clear that Madero had no real interest in land reform.
By Eduardo Hernández
In November of 1911, Zapata wrote up his famous Plan of Ayala, which called for Madero's removal, demanded land reform, and named Orozco Chief of the Revolution. Félix Díaz, the former dictator's nephew, declared himself in open rebellion in Veracruz. By the middle of 1912, Villa was Madero's only remaining ally, although Madero did not realize it.
BY Daniela Cabrera
We hope you enjoyed our presentation, and that you learned more about our Mexican history and culture. Thank you for your attention!
By Luis Alfonso Orosco
Día de acción de gracias
Dia de acción de Gracias
Friday, November 7, 2014
My School "JVS"
Visita al acuario
Repotaje Acuario Inbursa
Tipos de reportaje
Visita Acuario Inbursa
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Sebastián Chávez Aguilar
Monday, October 27, 2014
Una leyenda es un relato de hechos humanos que se transmite de generación
en generación.
Una leyenda tiene como característica fundamental, que es de carácter oral, es decir, es un relato hablado que se transmite tradicionalmente en un lugar, un pueblo, una población.
La leyenda, en lugar de explicar algo sobrenatural, trata de dar a conocer, de manera llamativa, las características de un pueblo, región, etc. Es esa cercanía con la cultura de un lugar determinado, lo que hace a la leyenda parte del folclore.
La llorona es una leyenda que tiene toques prehispánicos y de la colonia, una de las versiones más resonadas cuenta lo siguiente:
En tiempos de la conquista, cuando las noches no se alumbraban más que por la luna, se cuenta que existió una mujer que salía por las calles del caído Tenochtitlán para llorar a sus hijos muertos y conquistados, se dice que ésta alma en pena recorría las calles gimiendo y llorando en busca de sus hijos desaparecidos, aterrorizando a la gente que solo se persignaba y se escondía en sus casas.
Se dice que cuando alguien se atrevía a seguirla y ella lograba verlo éste enloquecía, perdiendo la razón, y cuando la seguían sin que los viera se perdía de vista en la obscuridad cerca del lago.
Muchos creían que ésta mujer ahogó a sus hijos para evitar verlos conquistados o civilizados por los conquistadores y arrepentida de ello se volvió loca y peno el resto de su vida buscándolos.
El culto a los ancestros en Mesoamérica
Aunque la información más detallada sobre el culto a los ancestros en Mesoamérica se refiere a las sociedades del Posclásico, es posible suponer que se trata de una práctica ritual de gran antigüedad; entre las funciones atribuidas a las esculturas olmecas,por ejemplo, está la de conmemorar la memoria de sus dirigentes.
Día de Muertos (actual)
El Día de Muertos es considerado la tradición más representativa de la cultura mexicana. La celebración se lleva a cabo en dos días: el 1 de noviembre es dedicado al alma de los niños y el 2 de noviembre a la de los adultos.
También para recordarlos hacemos calaveritas sobre ellos.
La muerte en esta mañana
Sin temor a equivocarse
La selección mexicana
Al panteón quiere llevarse
En parte como un castigo
Por su no buen desempeño
Con la guadaña consigo
Por si alguien le frunce el ceño