Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Fantastic Christmas Story

A Fantastic Christmas Trip

Jules Verne created a big air ballon to travel the world in 80 days he wanted to visit kids and showed them his book to inspire them to be writers when they grew up.

In a small town in Japain far from the city of Tokyo was a little boy named Diegardo, who  in this Christmas wanted to know his idol Jules Verne.

When it was  Christmas in his small town Diegardo wrote a card wishing Jules Verne could come to his town and he could meet him.

When it was December 24th diegardo was eating Kentucky fried chicken (KFC) when Santa Claus gave a card to Diegardo and it said 
"Diegardo you have been well educated so now I give you this present Jules  Verne is going to come to your town on December 27th at 16:30 enjoy it. Santa Claus."

Diegardo was so happy and excited  because Jules  Verne was going to go to the small town, he said it to his parents, they were so happy because his kid was going to meet his idol.

In December 27 Diegardo and his parents went to the meeting place there wasn't many people in the mean time Jules Verne arrived, Diegardo couldn't  believe it in that instant Jules  Verne asked - you are my greatest fan so you are invited to my journey and entered the air balloon.

They arrived in 2014 to Mexico City in a small school named JVS , Miss  Mayus received them with a big smile and a lot of kids and Diegardo was so happy.

Luis Alfonso, Sebastián Farías and Ivan

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