Monday, November 12, 2012

Portadores de datos

¿Sabias que?
El frutsi tiene 0 grasas,tiene 88 calorías y 22 gramos de azúcares

Kilocalorías-unidad de energía que equivale a mil calorías.

Grasas-sustancia untuosa de origen vegetal y animal.

Azúcares-substancia de sabor dulce y color blanco,cristalizado

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The meaning of Thanksgiving By:Angel&&Danniela

Thanksgiving is mostly celebrated in United States & Canada, but it is also celebrated in Puerto Rico, Norfolk Island & Liberia, they celebrated as a tradition. Is celebrated in Canada the 2nd Monday of October, in Liberia the 1st Thursday of November, in Norfolk Island las Wednesday in November, in USA 4th Thursday in November.
It is celebrated because is part of their history and to have a day to say thanks.
It is important because Is their tradition & there it begins their culture.

Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among almost all religions after harvests and at other times. The holiday's history in North America is rooted in English traditions dating from the Protestant Reformation. It also has aspects of a harvest festival, even though the harvest in New England occurs well before the late-November date of the holiday.

Indians vs. Pilgrims
There were the Indians... One day in the island & they began to see people coming... They were scared.
-We need to hide in because I think they are bad people, said an Indian
When the Pilgrims arrived, Indians were scared but the Pilgrims saw them & they started to hit and bother the Indians, the Indians were so pacific with the Pilgrims & let them stay there & they were friends & shared food.
So that is why Indians say THANKS!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy halloween

Halloween in United Kingdom by Chema, dan and Luz

Halloween is a holliday annualy celebrated on October 31st, some people hold halloween traditions on or around this date, where the hosts and guests often dress up as skeletons, ghosts, or other scary figures.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How war changed my life

By: Daniie&&Luz

It was September 10th, 5 days before my birthday.
I was Turning twelve September 15th
My name was Miguel
I was writing this five days before my birthday, which was on September 15th. My best friend, Jesús, was preparing a surprise party for me, I knew that because He was very nervous.
Now I wonder what he was preparing...
This is the story of my short fourteen year life.

Well, I can just tell you I never could tell Rosa I love her...

In my birthday, I woke up at 5:00 pm with the church bell, that just could mean something was wrong, so I dressed up and went to the church. My little sister was so worried, also my mom. My dad was preparing the breakfast then on the church my namesake Miguel Hidalgo tells me to prepare me and to say my dad we need to stay in the church for every emergency. We were preparing our things because Spanish people were invading Mexico city. So we had to do something, Miguel Hidalgo, Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez and Jose Maria Morelos were preparing a plan. It was September 15th, my birthday but that was a horrible birthday. Well that was the Independence shout. Viva Mexico! Viva Mexico Viva Mexico! The war starts.......
2 years later I died.....

Monday, May 21, 2012


Today we met at 11 in West Vancouver to have an amazing journey to the forest!!!   Capilano is a wonderful place: To get into the forest we needed to cross a suspension bridge, and then we enjoyed being among ancient trees, walking through canopies,  listening to the sound of the water that flowed and fall into the river.

Kids had fun, families talk shared and spent such great time!!! Another day to be thankful for!!!

As days goes by, Canadian kids, and Mexican children develop solid bonds with their homestay families, they have learned a lot about being in different family positions such as being older or younger siblings, getting used to the food, the time, and how things work in another country, they are still young but they are smart and sensitive and care about each other even though they met in person just few days ago...  that is all about in a world where they live in... Isn´t that true???

Children learn and benefit of this wonderful experience, and we just wonder whether this relationships will go in the future...  I can tell this relationships they are making today  will last forever!!!