Monday, October 27, 2014


Una leyenda es un relato de hechos humanos que se transmite de generación

en generación.

Una leyenda tiene como característica fundamental, que es de carácter oral, es decir, es un relato hablado que se transmite tradicionalmente en un lugar, un pueblo, una población. 

La leyenda, en lugar de explicar algo sobrenatural, trata de dar a conocer, de manera llamativa, las características de un pueblo, región, etc. Es esa cercanía con la cultura de un lugar determinado, lo que hace a la leyenda parte del folclore.

                                                     LA LLORONA

La llorona es una leyenda que tiene toques prehispánicos y de la colonia, una de las versiones más resonadas cuenta lo siguiente:

En tiempos de la conquista, cuando las noches no se alumbraban más que por la luna, se cuenta que existió una mujer que salía por las calles del caído Tenochtitlán para llorar a sus hijos muertos y conquistados, se dice que ésta alma en pena recorría las calles gimiendo y llorando en busca de sus hijos desaparecidos, aterrorizando a la gente que solo se persignaba y se escondía en sus casas.

Se dice que cuando alguien se atrevía a seguirla y ella lograba verlo éste enloquecía, perdiendo la razón, y cuando la seguían sin que los viera se perdía de vista en la obscuridad cerca del lago.

Muchos creían que ésta mujer ahogó a sus hijos para evitar verlos conquistados o civilizados por los conquistadores y arrepentida de ello se volvió loca y peno el resto de su vida buscándolos.

El culto a los ancestros en Mesoamérica

Aunque la información más detallada sobre el culto a los ancestros en Mesoamérica se refiere a las sociedades del Posclásico, es posible suponer que se trata de una práctica ritual de gran antigüedad; entre las funciones atribuidas a las esculturas olmecas,por ejemplo, está la de conmemorar la memoria de sus dirigentes.

Día de Muertos (actual)

El Día de Muertos es considerado la tradición más representativa de la cultura mexicana. La celebración se lleva a cabo en dos días: el 1 de noviembre es dedicado al alma de los niños y el 2 de noviembre a la de los adultos.

También para recordarlos hacemos calaveritas sobre ellos.

La muerte en esta mañana
Sin temor a equivocarse
La selección mexicana
Al panteón quiere llevarse

En parte como un castigo
Por su no buen desempeño
Con la guadaña consigo
Por si alguien le frunce el ceño



Una leyenda es una narración de hechos naturales, sobrenaturales o mezclados, que se transmite de generación en generación de forma oral o escrita.

Una leyenda, a diferencia de un cuento, está ligada siempre a un elemento preciso y se centra en la integración de este elemento en el mundo cotidiano o la historia de la comunidad a la cual pertenece.

Por ejemplo :

La calle de Don Juan Manuel.


La llorona 

El callejón del muerto 


La festividad del Día de Muertos tiene un origen remoto. Por la falta de evidencias históricas no es posible tener un conocimiento exacto de cómo ha surgido. Sin embargo algunos estudiosos consideran que se remonta hasta el año 800 a.c..

Varios siglos más adelante hay más certezas que la actual celebración del Día de los Muertos sería descendiente del llamado Festival de Muertos, un ritual celebrado por los aztecas en los meses de julio y de agosto.

Era la fiesta con que los mexicanos celebraban el final de la cosecha de frijol, garbanzo, maíz y calabaza.

Estos alimentos consistían en parte de la ofrenda que se le entregaba a la diosa azteca Mictecacihuatl. La Diosa Mictecacihuatl es en la mitología azteca la reina de Chinahmictlan y, además, la guardiana del noveno nivel del infierno, al que los aztecas llamaron Mictlan.

Los investigadores creen que la herencia del Festival de Muertos se mezcla con otra costumbre prehispánica: sepultar junto a los muertos objetos, comida y ofrendas. Esta costumbre nace de la creencia de que cuando mueren las personas viajan al reino de Mictlán y luego llegan a Tlalocan (el “cielo” de la cultura azteca). Por eso el muerto necesita para el viaje –por ejemplo- comida y agua, o veladoras para iluminarse.


Saturday, October 25, 2014


Hi everyone, for our speech exam we decided to represent Halloween creatures and talk a little bit about them. Hope you enjoy it. Seventh grade group.

Nurse Zombie

By Roberto Serrano

Frankenstein's Monster 

By Sebastian Farias

Countess Elizabeth Bathory

By Daniela Cabrera

Michael Myers

By Alejandro Mancera

Count Dracula

By Karla Buenrostro


By Diego Tonatiuh

The Orphan

By Sebastian Chavez


By Luis Alfonso Orosco

Jason Voorhees

By Iván Griera

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


                                     Haunted house (maze)

By: Sebastian Farias, Sebastian Chavez, Eduardo Hernandez, Ivan Griera and Fernando Cortes

The objective is to scare the students, attract the audiences but also to have fun.

¿What am I going to do ?
We are going to do a maze with Mexican legends and traditions.

¿How am I going to do it?
We are going to do it with many scare jumps and the best disguises ever.

Students Materials: , blood, hooks, newspaper, cotton, black and white spray, unicellular heads (skulls), clothes and creppe paper, pieces of clothing and cotton.

School materials: curtain, carton boxes, awning, screens

Rules: work as a team, do not touch the students, do not spill water or blood on the students, do not insult the students, dismantle the haunted house, do not paint the classroom. 

Event: maze, October 30th 2014


Welcome to the maze, no one has survived,try to enter and get out alive, it's going to be funny.

A group of students heard about a legend of an abandoned house and decided to go investigate and see if the legend was true.
When they entered ,the door closed by itself and the students couldn't get out, so, the students got trapped in the house. For getting out, they needed to solve a maze. As the time passed on, the students got separated and missing, only two stayed together very terrorized .
They did everything to not get separated from each other, but after a while they accidentally separated and they never found each other. 
One got out of the maze, but the other stayed crying when he realized that the exit closed and he could never got out.
Now the boy is still walking in the maze waiting to take his next victim for finally going back home.


Maze design:


With help from: Teacher Rebeca and Teacher David

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


By Daniela Cabrera, Karla Buenrostro, Alejandro Mancera, Diego Tonatiuh, Luis Alfonso Orosco and Roberto Serrano

Objective of the haunted house: Scare the people attract the audiences and have fun.

Topic: The Myers's house.
Story: (Amytiville, 1828) Once upon a time there was a "normal" family or at least that is what they belived. The Myers had 5 children, 2 girls and 3 boys. They looked just like a normal family but....that wasn't true. That family was different to the other families, they were weird.The village was afraid of them ,they thought they had dark secrets. One day a little boy from a good family disappeared  and the people of the town thought that the Myers kibnapped him. Everyone scared, decided to go and finish with them. They burned their house and murdered the Myers. Time after they died the village discovered that they were innocents but it was too late. The terror began when little children began to saw the Myers spirits and always when a boy or girl saw the spirits, they disappeared . Nowadays the Myers are taking young souls just like you, to take revenge.


-What am I going to do? 
The Myers's house

-How am I going to do it?
Working as a team, using materials, and with organization and communications. 

-Beggining: Video
Event: Final product.

Materials: Crepe paper, newspapers, hooks, old pieces of clothing, boxes, skulls, artificial blood, costumes, black and white spray paint. 

School Materials: black curtain, boxes ,awning and screens. 

Do not touch the students
Do not insult the students
Do not spill water or blood on students
Dismantle the Hunted House 
Do not paint the classroom

Michael:If you enter here you will not be able do come back HAHAHA.
Johnny Myers:Escape as fast as possible if you want to survive.
Joanna and Gena:if you get in you won't come back.

Evidence :

With help from: teacher David and Miss Rebeca

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


                                              My favorite rock fire opal 

Fire Opal is a term used for colorful, transparent to translucent opal with a background color that is a fire like hue of yellow to orange to red. It might or might not exhibit play of color the typical flashes of spectral colors that can be seen when a precious opal is turned under a source of light Most fire opal does not have play of color. I like the fire opal because the shape and the colors are beautiful all the types of opals are so beautiful but for me the fire opal is the more beautiful.
The value of a fire opal is based upon the desirability and uniformity of its color, with yellow being on the low end of value and red being on the high end. Fire opals are cut in a variety of ways. The fire opal can find it in Mexico and one day I would like to find one one day.


                                                     Black opal
Black Oplal is a term used for opal that has a dark body color, often black or dark gray. The term is also used for opal that has a dark blue or dark green body color.
The dark body color often makes the fire of black opal more obvious. This contrast of fire color to body color makes black opals very desirable and sold for high prices. 
One of the specimens at right is a solid black opal with a strong blue face-up color play. It was mined at Lightning Ridge, Australia, the "Black Opal Capital of the World". It is 2.46 carats in weight and 9.5 x 12.5 millimeters in size. Opal is a mineraloide.

 In my opinion  the Black Opal is a very small mineral but is very  beautiful, it is like blue but it looks like the space and  I love that mineral obviously my favorite mineral(rock)

By Alejandro Mancera


Gem-quality Ammolite produces a spectacular display of ividesent color when it is observed in reflected light.The colors of an individual stone can run the full range of the visible spectrum or be limited to just one or two colors.The color display can rival fine opal and Laborite in its intensity and beautiful.

By Fernando Cortes


Labradorite is a feldspar mineral of the plagioclase series that is most often found in mafic igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro and norite. It is also found in anorthosite, an igneous rock in which labradorite can be the most abundant mineral. 

Some specimens of labradorite exhibit a schiller effect, which is a strong play of iridescent blue, green, red, orange, and yellow colors as shown in the photographs above and at right. Labradorite is so well known for these spectacular displays of color that the phenomenon is known as “labradorescence.” Specimens with the highest quality labradorescence are often selected for use as gemstones. What Causes Labradorescence? 

Labradorescence is not a display of colors reflected from the surface of a specimen. Instead, light enters the stone, strikes a twinning surface within the stone, and reflects from it. The color seen by the observer is the color of light reflected from that twinning surface. Different twinning surfaces within the stone reflect different colors of light. Light reflecting from different twinning surfaces in various parts of the stone can give the stone a multi-colored appearance. Properties of Labradorite 

Labradorite is a mineral in the plagioclase series, and it shares many of the properties of plagioclase minerals. It has a Mohs hardness of about 6 to 6 1/2 and two distinct directions of cleavage that intersect at an angle of about 86 degrees or 94 degrees. Plagioclase minerals frequently exhibit twinning and striations on cleavage faces. 

Labradorite is the only mineral in the plagioclase series that exhibits strong labradorescence; however, many specimens of labradorite do not exhibit the phenomenon. Without seeing labradorescence, distinguishing labradorite from other members of the plagioclase series can be difficult. The methods used for distinguishing them are x-ray diffraction, chemical analysis, optical tests, and specific gravity determinations on pure specimens. 

By Luis Alfonso Orosco


What Is coal? 
Cole is an organic sedimentary rock that forms from the accumulation and preservation of plant materials, usually in a swamp environment, cole is a combustible rock along with oil and natural gas it is one of the most important fossil fuels. The most important use of the coal is the generation of electricity.
How does coal form?
Coal forms from the accumulation of plant debris, when plant debris dies and falls into the swamp the standing water of the swamp protect it from decay.

By Diego Tonatiuh.



I like the rock labradorite because the colors the form 
Usually clear white or gray in reflected light Labradorescent colors can include: blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

 Some specimens of labradorite exhibit a schiller effect, which is a strong play of iridescent blue, green, red, orange, and yellow colors as shown in the photographs above and at right. Labradorite is so well known for these spectacular displays of color that the phenomenon is known as “labradorescence.” Specimens with the highest quality labradorescence are often selected for use as gemstones. 

My opinion: Roberto Serrano Querejeta 
Is a beautiful rock the colors the information. 

My Favorite Rock


Obsidian is an igneous rock that forms when molten rock material cools so quickly that atoms are unable to form themselves into a crystalline structure. The result is a volcanic glass with a smooth uniform texture that breaks with a conchoidal fracture.

Obsidian is usually an extrusive rock. One that solidifies above Earth's surface. However, it can form in a variety of cooling environments:
Along the edges of a lava flow (extrusive)
Around the edges of a sill or a dike (intrusive)
Where lava contacs water (extrusive)
Where lava cools while airborne (extrusive)

Black is the most common color of obsidian. However, it can also be brown or green. Sometimes, obsidian can be blue, red, orange or yellow.

Sometimes, two colors of obsidian will be swirled together in a single specimen. The most common color combination is black and brown obsidian swirled together, that's called "mahogany obsidian" 

As a "glass", obsidian is chemically unstable. With the time, obsidian starts to crystallize. This process does not happen at a uniform rate throughout the rock. Instead it begins at various locations within the rock. At these locations the crystallization process forms radial clusters of white or gray cristobalite crystals within the obsidian. When cut and polished these specimens are referred to as "snowflake obsidian" 

By Eduardo Hdz


My opinion:

I like Amazonite gemstone because is like blue glass and because it has the color of the ocean .

What is Amazonite gemstone? 
Amazonite, or amazon stone,is a trade name given to a light green, bright green or blue-green variety of microcline feldpar. Most of this gems are translucent. Because there are very few blue or green gemstones.

Karla Yunnuen 



¿What Is Labradorite?

Labradorite is a feldspar mineral of the plagioclase series that is most often found in mafic igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro and norite. It is also found in anorthosite, an igneous rock in which labradorite can be the most abundant mineral. 

I like labradorite because it looks very nice and beautiful. 

By Sebastian Farías 



Kyanite is a mineral found in metamorphic rocks. It most often forms from the high pressure alteration of clay minerals. Kyanite's habit is a bladed crystal although it, sometimes occurs as radiating masses of crystals. 

 It has a lot of different colors, but this are the more common: blue, white, rarely green, gray, yellow, and black.

I like this rock because it has amazing colors and I think this rock is so weird so maybe no one knows it. 

Daniela Cabrera

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


                                                PERSUASIVE ESSAY

Dear Editor:

One of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. Many scientists believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is having a heating effect on the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerous for human life. This essay will examine the problem of global warming and suggest some ways of solving the problem.

Sebastian Chavez opinion: I think this is an important subject because animals are starting to become extinct and water is contaminated there are not many trees. You need to give more importance to this subject.

Roberto Serrano opinion:I think is important to find  information about this because you can help ,because the persons abuse of the energy and the animals are becoming extinct.

Fernando Cortes opinion: The global warming affect the humans and the animals of the Antarctic like penguins,polar bears,sharks and walrus.

By Sebastian Chaves, Fernando Cortes, Roberto Serrano


                                   "Global warming"

Dear Government:
Some people just like you, think that Global Warming is just a joke but, you don't know how much it affects the world. Issue is finishing with all the living things and we have to do something now! Your bad actions affect all of us meanwhile they don't affect you. The world is in risk ,the poles are melting, the animals are staying homeless, there are a lot of nick are changes all around the world.
There are more natural disasters.
Lets do something about it ! Help us to change the world and to do a difference in the world and help us to make a better place to live in.
We think Global Warming is a very serious topic, we need help, the World needs help.
We need a better environment.

By Alejandro Mancera and Daniela Cabrera


Dear Editor:

The poles are melting and the ocean is increasing there will be a moment when almost of the cities will be under the ocean.

The global warming is destroying the planet. 
The effect of global warming are: 
- the ozone layer is damaged
- the poles are melting 
- the air is contaminated 
We need to take care of our planet.

By Diego Tonatiuh, Karla Buenrostro, Luis Orosco


Dear Dr. Brown:

We'd like to express our opinion about global warming.
Let's say first that we need your help. We need you to create an invention for stopping global warming, because we think that is wrong that people create campaigns for stopping it but, at the end, don't do anything and go anywhere. We have to prevent things like: melting poles, the tide going up, the greenhouse effect, species starting to become extinct, and so much more. We think this way because we realized that we made a mistake and we want to change the people's thinking way, and stop it at once.
Please think about it and then call us back. Thank you.

Greetings: Sebastián Farías, Ivan Griera and Eduardo Hernández