This story is real... Everyone knows it, is not a joke... And is very terrifying!
It was 5 years ago, exactly in May 29, 5050. I heard a noise coming from outside my window, so I went to check if some naughty kid was playing with my door, but at the moment I opened the window, I almost fainted. A really big UFO was landing on Central Park and absorbing all the trees until it put it's bases on the ground. A few seconds later the main gate opened and some mist went out from the ship. Then a figure was noticed between the mist and it walked out from the ship. It was a human figure but, as you can imagine, it didn't looked like a real human. They presented themselves as The Visitors and they said, and I quote "we do not want the war, we come in peace. Please, accept us as your friends and respect us as every other person you know." I didn't realized that they had a very strange accent until I got to work later.
At the office, everyone was talking about the "Visitors" and they didn't stopped not even a minute.