Friday, November 21, 2014

Circulatory system

 Circulatory system
We make a ship and we enter to a body to see the circulatory system
The circulatory system is one of the most important ones because it is in charge of taking the blood to the body and oxygen.
One interesting fact is that the heart beat 3 billion times in a lifetime. Some other fact is the plasma.the plasma is the liquid part of the blood and it contains oxygen and other things.

Eduardo Hdz and Sebastian Chavez

Circulatory system

                                               Circulatory system 
Once upon a time a little boy was in an exposition of the circulatory system to learn more of his body because he has a medical exam.
He learned more about his heart and its functions like how blood flows,how the arteries work,the blood circulates oxygen,etc.
In the exposition also said that the veins transport blood to all the body in that moment one person shoot the kid and the kid fell down but the platelets stop the blooding and the kid stand up in that moment the person get out of the place and the kid say -why I stop bleeding? and the creator of the exposition said to the kid - that was your platelets the kid say -what are the platelets? -Platelets, also called "thrombocytes", are blood cells whose function is to stop bleeding. The kid was astonished in that moment the kid want to learn more about the circulatory in the school always select the circulatory system and in the university they study science and now that kid is a very smart scientist.
Ivan griera caballero and Luis Alfonso orozco Velazquez 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Viaje al centro de la tierra

Apenas empiezo a leer el libro pero hasta donde voy me ha gustado mucho porque te presentan a cada uno de sus personajes y sus historias.

Sebastian Farias

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Good Morning Parents, Principal, Teachers and Classmates of Jules Verne School. Today, we celebrate one more year of our Revolution. We, the group of Seventh Grade are going to talk about some of the events that happened during that period.

By Diego Tonatiuh

The Mexican Revolution broke out in 1910 when the decades-old rule of PresidentPorfirio Díaz was challenged by Francisco I. Madero, a reformist writer and politician. When Díaz refused to allow clean elections, Madero's calls for revolution were answered by Emiliano Zapata in the south and Pascual Orozco and Pancho Villa in the north.

By Alex Mancera

Porfirio Díaz was President of Mexico from 1876 to 1880 and from 1884 to 1911, and was unofficial ruler from 1880 to 1884 as well. His time in power is referred to as the "Porfiriato."

By Fernando Cortés 

Díaz ruthlessly clung to power for decades, but after the turn of the century his grip on the nation started to slip. The people were unhappy: an economic recession meant that many lost their jobs and people began calling for change. Díaz promised free elections in 1910.

By Karla Yunnuen

Díaz expected to win easily and legally, and was therefore shocked when it became evident that his opponent in the 1910 election, Francisco I. Madero, was likely to win. Madero, a reformist writer who came from a wealthy family, was an unlikely revolutionary: he was short and skinny, with a high-pitched voice which tended to become quite shrill when he was excited. A teetotaler and vegetarian, he also claimed to be able to speak to ghosts and spirits, including his dead brother and Benito Juárez. Madero didn't have any real plan for Mexico after Díaz: he simply felt that someone else should rule after decades of Don Porfirio.

By Sebastián Farías

Díaz fixed the elections, arresting Madero on false charges of plotting armed insurrection. Madero was bailed out of jail by his father and went to San Antonio, Texas, where he watched Díaz easily "win" re-election. Convinced that there was no other way to get Díaz to step down, Madero called for an armed rebellion, ironically the same charge that had been trumped-up against him. According to Madero's Plan of San Luis Potosi, November 20 was the date for the insurrection to start.

By Sebastián Chávez 

In the southern state of Morelos, Madero's call was answered by peasant leader Emiliano Zapata, who hoped a revolution would lead to land reform. In the north, muleteer Pascual Orozco and bandit chieftain Pancho Villa also took up arms. All three rallied thousands of men to their rebel armies.

By Iván Griera

Orozco and Villa had great success against the federal forces and in February 1911 Madero returned and joined them in the north. As the three generals closed in on the capital, Díaz could see the writing on the wall. By May of 1911 it was clear that he could not win and he went into exile. In June, Madero entered the city in triumph.

By Roberto Serrano

Madero barely had time to get comfortable in Mexico City before things got hot. He faced rebellion on all sides, as the remnants of Díaz' regime hated him and he broke all of his promises to those who had supported him. Orozco, sensing that Madero was not going to reward him for his role in the overthrow of Díaz, once again took up arms. Zapata, who had been instrumental in defeating Díaz, took to the field again when it became clear that Madero had no real interest in land reform.

By Eduardo Hernández 

In November of 1911, Zapata wrote up his famous Plan of Ayala, which called for Madero's removal, demanded land reform, and named Orozco Chief of the Revolution. Félix Díaz, the former dictator's nephew, declared himself in open rebellion in Veracruz. By the middle of 1912, Villa was Madero's only remaining ally, although Madero did not realize it.

BY Daniela Cabrera

We hope you enjoyed our presentation, and that you learned more  about our Mexican history and culture. Thank you for your attention!

By Luis Alfonso Orosco

Día de acción de gracias

En .u.s.a.
 Hacen una cena  comen  pavo
Cuando en noviembre


Dia de acción de Gracias

cuando:19 de febrero de1795 
Como: dicen que en Rusia que bailan con una pulsera 

Friday, November 7, 2014


The School Is called Julio Verne School  these school have extra classes guitar,karate,foot ball,robotic.The normal classes are English,Spanish,Music,physical education,body expression,kitchen,art.The principal is Mayus Chavez,In these year the teachers of 6th is teacher David and teacher Rebeca.The celebrations on these school is Halloween,Christmas,thanks giving,the kids day and the Indepence.

By Fernando Cortés


Mi school is very interesting and is different to others because the teachers are very friendly and also my friends are the best in the world,my best friend is Chavez and it doesn't mater if we are fighting he will always be my best friend and all the clases are awesome like jazz,fiscal education,music,art,English,Spanish,cooking class,chorus,soccer.
Every Thursday some parents came to the school and sell some food for us like sandwiches,nuggets etc . They also give us water.
The 3 favorite classes for me are Spanish,English and jazz because the teachers are very funny and friendly.
At 1:45 the classes end and we are able to go to our homes and rest.

BY Alex Mancera


I think my school is very different from another's because here we have English, we can use iPads and the teachers are very funny.

The school is very small but I feel very comfortable with all my classmates and friends.

There are many extracurricular classes like jazz, physical education, music, art, cooking class and football.

Every Thursday some parents came to the school to sell us some food like sandwiches, fruit and water.
The classes begin at 7:50 and finish at 1:45.

In recess all my friends and y love to jump the rope.

BY Sebastian Farias.


                                           -JVS SCHOOL-

My school is the best school ever! It is small but it has a lot of children and teachers that are always for you when you need help. We have from kindergarten to 7th grade of elementary school, and we have around 100 to 200 students in total. We have 5 specials classes every week, physical activity, cooking class, art class, music class and dance class. And it have extracurricular activities like Karate, Chorus, guitar etc. My school has a very good environment because we have friendly people and we have the chance to coexist with Canadian children because we have students exchanges every year! We have 2 subjects everyday, English class and Spanish class. Our teachers are amazing because they are very good persons that (for me) know everything! We have funny activities everyday and the conclusion is......MY SCHOOL IS THE BEST SCHOOL EVER!

Daniela Cabrera Chávez

My School "JVS"

My school is in the south of the city. It has around 180 students age 2-13.
We have lessons from 8:00 to 2:00 except the guys who go to extracurricular classes like: football, karate, robotic, guitar classes, chorus etc. The lessons are divided in English and Spanish and in that two classes we saw. Every year there is an  student exchange when one year we go to Canada and the next year they came to JVS. We have sport class, corporal expresion, music class, art class etc.
The svhool is not very big we don't have alot of space to play but we have a good space to play.

By Sebastian Chavez


My School
My school's name is Jules Verne School. It is a very small school with kindergarten and elementary school. It is a bilingual school where you learn english and spanish. It has a student exchange program with Canada. In 7th grade/6º grado in spanish class we have a teacher named Miss Rebeca and in english our teacher is teacher David. The classes are based in UNO system and sometimes we use iPads, like right now. My school is amazing and i like it too much, i hope that in the future i can return to visit it and have great memories about it. Besides, we have amazing special classes like physical education, jazz class, art, music, etc. JVS is the best school I have assisted ever. 
Eduardo Hdz


My school is amazing! In my school we are like 100 students, we have a lot of especial classes like dance class, cooking class, music, physical education and art, and we use the iPads! in Spanish and English class. My school have different extracurricular classes like chorus, robotic class, football, guitar class etc.. I have a lot of friends but in my class there are only 2 girls! D: but the most amazing thing of my school are the student exchange with Canada! 🍂⛺️ And we have visits to museums, aquariums etc.

Karla Yunnuen 

Visita al acuario

El acuario Inbursa se fundó el 11 de Junio del 2014, es el acuario más grande de la República Mexicana con 3.500 metros cuadrados de área de exhibición. Contiene 800 millones litros de agua del Golfo de Mexico. Se encuentra en Nuevo Polanco, Miguel de  Cervantes 386 en la Plaza Carso y alberga alrededor de 3.000 ejemplares de 230 especies como caballitos de mar, medusas, tiburones, estrellas de mar, rayas, peces de diferentes especies etc.

Karla Yunnuen 

Repotaje Acuario Inbursa

El Acuario Inbursa se fundó el 11de Juninio del 2014, es el acuario mas grande de toda la República Mexicana con 3.500 metros cuadrádos de area de exhibition. Contiene 8 mill ones de litres de agua del Golfo de México. Se encuentra  en Nuevo Polanco, Miguel De Cervantes 386 en la plaza Carso. Tiene Alrededor de 3 mil ejemplares y 230 especies.
Sebastián Chávez Aguilar

Tipos de reportaje

Hay 3 tipos de reportaje el expositivo, el narrativo, y el descriptivo de estos tres elegimos el narrativo para describir como es el acuario, cuantas especies tiene, cuales son etc.  

Karla Yunnuen

Visita Acuario Inbursa

La vista al acuario estuvo genial, porque vimos a muchos diferentes tipos de peces y aprendimos mucho sobre ellos, por ejemplo aprendí que algunas medusas son inmortales, que existe un pez que ayuda al tiburón en limpiarle sus bacterias, que las mantarras y rayas tiene un aguijón que tiene muchas toxinas, etc. Recomiendo mucho la visita!!!! 😅


Thursday, November 6, 2014


I would like to help homeless people because they don't have some place to live and some of them may be ill and their parents must be sick too .So I would buy them some medicines and I would visit them and i will give them food 

By Alex Mancera


I want to help the homeless because they dies of hunger and I want to send food,water and some money to buy it some clothes,food and buy water and I can refugee them in my home I want that the homeless live better because he is sick Ivan Griera caballero


I would help homeless because they need a house .I would also help them with food and money but first, I need volunteers to help the homeless.I want to help homeless people because they need more things like water,food etc.

By Fernando Cortes and Roberto Serrano


I would like to help african people by giving them water and food ,because they don't have a good economy  and they can't pay a good health insurance. They have al ot of diseases and I would like to help them because is not fair that people waste a lot of food and water and african people can barely  eat.

Sebastián Chávez Aguilar


I would like to help by giving food to the people who don't have anything to eat. I would like to go to some countries to give food to little kids. I would like to help them because we all have the same rights and is not fair that we little the food meanwhile they don't have anything to eat.

By Daniela Cabrera Chávez 

I want volunteer to help in a aquarium, zoo or go to another countries to bring food, I want to help in these places because I want to take care of the animals, and because I want to bring food to the people that don't have it.

Karla  Yunnuen