Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hi there, Jules Verne School is happy to learn from you!!! and start our wonderful journey to this adventure of knowing each other durring this school year!!


  1. Thank you Miss Mayus! We look forward to following you too on this international journey of discovery!!!

  2. Hello! how are things in Canada? we are happy you are coming this year. Rodrigo

  3. Hi We miss Canada Im very happy because you are coming this year.
    The climate in Mexico is getting warm.
    In this month we are going to do the horror house because of Halloween.What do you for Halloween?LUIS ALDO, Kajal´s homestay.

  4. Hello Jules Verne School!
    We are so glad to hear from you and hear about your plans for the school year and the plans for Halloween.
    We look forward to joining you in learning conversations and hope to hear from you soon.
    Look for some postings soon - I am going to model some conversations on Monday morning with my students......
    Talk to you soon!
    Ms B

  5. Hello Jules Verne School. My name is Shamsher, my home stay is Ximena and I am very excited to be coming to Mexico City for one week! Last night it snowed a lot and at school lots of people got wet and cold.

  6. Hey Jules Verne School! My name is Kristi. I am super excited to be coming to Mexico City in March! I can already tell I am going to have lot's of fun! See you soon!

  7. Hi Jules Verne!!!!!!! My name is Nicholas. I am looking forward to meeting all of you, especially Reinier & Rodrigo my homestay brothers. My mom has already been in contact with their mom on Facebook, so I have been able to see their pictures. The look like such a wonderful family. Yesterday we had snow...what is the weather like there in Mexico? I am excited to vist your school and learn about your culture and share mine with you as well! I will post again soon...bye for now!

  8. Hey This is Kristi,

    Thank you Jules Verne school! This trip has truly been amazing. I will never forget it! I am very greatful to have met all of the wonderful students at JVS! i really hope that i will see some of you guys next year!
    Thanks Again!

    P.S Mexico will always be in our hearts! <3
