Thursday, April 21, 2016

Chimney Hill Jules Verne 10 years friends across borders

For more almost a decade or students have the great opportunity to build bridges and create a Mexican-Canadian community.

Since 2006 our first mexican ambassadors visited Canada learning from their amazing culture, not only practicing english or having a regular summer camp.  Since that time we learned from each other. 

Each year either they visit us or we visited them, 10-15 students and hole families have been totally envolved in this amazing program.  Today our first ambassadors are almost 23, and they are successful people knowing that the world is larger than their classroom or school.

Thanks to spirt and passion of amazing educators such as Mrs. Heather Briske, Michelle Mac Farlane, Martha Morett, (Jules Verne) Glenn Hilder from Erma Stevenson and Chimney Hill principal Chris Baldry and my own aim give our students a broad perspective of a global society our dream of working together come true. 

Today,  each group of students have a lot stories to tell and memories that will be kept in their minds and souls.  Each one travel with a message, each one take  their own culture to a far away country, and bring to their community what they learned.

This year, we will have an amazing adventure traveling to Canada, and visiting again Chimney Hill our second home.

We have a history now, we have developed a common culture, we know that this kids are now changing education to change their reality to become those who may change the world. 

This adventure is on its way!!! Here we go again!! 

Our Jules Verne Students think they know their homestay since they have been communicating via emails, facebook or videoconferences, so they draw  and  paint (using techniques they learn in their art class) their homestay canadian friends, and write their likes and dislikes.

Chimney Hill homestay students, identify your portrait, and see if our kids know you as well as they say!!